Channelling Green Capital

CI Capital

Climate Impact Capital’s Management Team channels green funds to renewable energy and sustainable projects. We provide the reassurance and confidence for investors that the funds will be invested in an equitable and sustainable manner.

We operate an established fund platform via our sister entity which includes investment from a sovereign wealth fund.

Our team of financiers, bankers and transaction specialists manage the majority of financing and capital raising in-house.

Our Financing Options

Sourcing Green Capital

We source green finance to channel to renewable energy, sustainability and carbon offset projects.

The cost of capital is critical to bringing the cost of projects down (eg green hydrogen production).

​- Green financing allows a more effective matching of investor appetite for some project essential to hard to abate sector projects.

Traditional Infrastructure Financing

We use traditional financing mechanisms such as non-resource project financing in conjunction with green finance to allow projects to move quickly through the development stage and then syndicate risk through more transition mechanisms.

Fund Platforms

We draw on our strong track record in funds management which allow us to establish, manage and operate funds to channel capital into our projects and other investments.

We have established and managed funds on behalf of clients so that they can co invest in projects.

Relationship Investors

CIC has several debt and equity relationship investors that it brings to projects to co invest or provide various debt and equity instruments suitable to the risk profile of an investment and the stage in its life cycle.

Experienced in capital markets and funds management

Climate Impact’s team has a long history in working with capital markets and providers of capital. The team has structured and managed funds, holds extensive relationships with leading financial institutions, and has established green financing mechanisms.

We raise capital for our own projects and for others.